Corporate Code of Conduct

Takagi Kogyo Co., Ltd. considers social contribution and compliance with laws and regulations as our important corporate responsibilities. We establish this ‘Corporate Code of Conduct’ to engage actively in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities throughout the company.


1. Respect for Human Rights and Prohibition of Discrimination

We respect each person’s human rights and eliminate discrimination and harassment based on race, ethnicity, creed, gender, nationality, social status, age, presence or absence of disability. We protect the dignity of the individual, prohibit all forms of abuse, and do not infringe on privacy.


2. Creating a Comfortable Workplace

We respect each individual’s personality, individuality, and diversity, and strive to create a bright and comfortable workplace environment. We ensure the physical and mental health and safety of our employees and strive to create a comfortable and safe workplace. We respect the rights of employees to freedom of association, the freedom of employees to form labor unions of their own accord, and the right to negotiate collectively. We do not engage in forced labor (including human trafficking and slave labor, but not limited to these) or child labor at any stage of our business activities. We comply with our customers’ codes of conduct to create a comfortable workplace and also strive to ensure that our partners comply with our and our customers’ codes of conduct.


3. Practice of Social Contribution Activities

As a ‘good corporate citizen’, we actively engage in social contribution activities.


4. Proper Information Management

We thoroughly protect and manage various information including personal information, customer information, and intellectual property rights.


5. Environmental Conservation

We conduct corporate activities that contribute to a recycling-oriented society and a low-carbon society, taking into consideration the conservation of the global environment. We act in accordance with the environmental philosophy of building a sustainable society that harmonizes the environment and the economy.


6. Prohibition of Political Activities, etc.

We do not engage in personal activities such as politics and religion in the workplace.


7. Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces/Groups

We firmly exclude transactions with antisocial forces that threaten the order and safety of civil society.


8. Preservation of Company Property

We do not use our company’s equipment, systems, facilities, etc. for purposes other than business.


9. Prohibition of Conflict of Interest

We do not engage in actions that conflict with the interests of our company and individuals.


10. Fair Transactions with Subcontractors, Compliance with Antitrust Laws, Prohibition of Unfair Competition

We do not force unfair trading conditions on subcontractors using our superior position. We also do not engage in unfair acts that disrupt the free and fair competition order between businesses, such as forcing unfair trading conditions and unfair trading methods.


11. Prohibition of Bribery, Prohibition of Illegal Political Donations

We do not give gifts or entertain public officials. We also do not make illegal political donations or provide favors.


12. Internal Reporting System, Protection of Whistleblowers

We set up a consultation/reporting window for violations of laws and regulations, etc., and strive for early detection and correction of misconduct. We also do not disadvantage the consultants/reporters.


13. Response When Problems Occur

When a situation arises that violates this code of conduct, the management itself will address the problem, investigate the cause, and strive to prevent recurrence. In addition, we will promptly and accurately disclose information to society and fulfill our accountability, and we will strictly punish ourselves and others after clarifying authority and responsibility.